Worship Notes
Have you ever asked a question for which you already knew the answer? Of course, we all have…and I just did! Journalists, writers, poets, and other artists sometimes use these rhetorical questions to emphasize the importance of a particular fact or statement that they feel should be obvious. Other times, while the primary answer to the question is obvious, the point of the rhetorical question is to say, “Yes, that’s the answer, but let’s think deeper about this subject.”
Great music lyricists use rhetorical questions to do just that. In Behold Our God, there are numerous questions for which the answer is obvious – it’s Jesus! But the point isn’t the easy answer, it’s the desire for us to consider exactly who Jesus is and consider the implications of His sacrifice:
Who has felt the nails upon His hands, bearing all the guilt of sinful man?
God eternal, humbled to the grave; Jesus, Savior, risen now to reign!
Who felt the nails and who died for our sin? Of course, it was Jesus. But the question demands more. Who is this Jesus? He is the eternal God, with God the Father at the very foundation of the world. God eternal, in the person of the Son, humbled Himself and died for us. He is Jesus. He is our Savior. And because He is God eternal, He was resurrected on the third day to rule and reign at the right hand of God the Father for all eternity. It was the question with a seemingly obvious answer that caused us to consider the depths of God’s love through His sacrifice.
May our worship always cause us to think deeply, react, and respond to the love of God.
Don’t know one of the songs we’re singing? Check them out here:
God So Loved
I Stand Amazed
Behold Our God