Worship Notes

Eternity.  Of all of the images of worship from the Bible, my favorite is the eternal worship of God.  When I see it in my mind’s eye, I can barely contain my emotions.  I’m afraid that sometimes though, when we picture it, we picture it in the future, as if all is quiet there until we arrive – that’s simply the nature of seeing God in our flesh, through the mirror dimly.  It’s when I’m reminded that the eternal, heavenly worship of God is going on right now, and has been going on since eternity past, that tears form.  

Picture this.  While we worship on Sunday morning, we join worship that is already in progress, worship that has been happening forever.  People from every nation and tribe singing around the throne, probably in their own native tongue, and yet somehow, everyone is able to understand everyone else.  Instead of chaos, it’s actually a beautiful cacophony that harmonizes into worship that honors God.  To add to the picture, it’s not just us joining the heavenly voices, it is every other believer on earth.

Congregational worship is a small glimpse beyond the clouds to what is happening in the very throne room of the Almighty.  Join the eternal song.  Pray knowing that there are millions around the world joining you.  Listen to the Word of God that glorifies Him through His own self-revelation.  It is all literally a little taste of Heaven.

Lord, we stand in the midst of a multitude
Of those from every tribe and tongue
We are Your people redeemed by Your blood
Rescued from death by Your love

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
To the Lamb
Hallelujah, hallelujah
By the blood of Christ we stand
Every tongue, every tribe
Every people, every land
Giving glory, giving honor
Giving praise unto the Lamb of God



Don’t know one of the songs we’re singing?  Check them out here: 

House of the Lord

Only a Holy God

Run to the Father