Romans 5:18

Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men.

At least one song in every time of congregational worship should point us to the central symbols of our faith — the cross and the empty tomb. God in His mercy and grace both forgave our sin and reconciled us to Himself through His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection from the grave. For the follower of Christ, Death is no more, life is complete and eternal. Our new congregational song this week puts it this way: The cross “means death to death, and life for me.” No more chains! Let us worship in freedom!

The passion of our Savior
The mercy of our God
The cross that leaves no question
Of the measure of His love

Our chains are gone
Our debt is paid
The cross has overthrown the grave
For Jesus’s blood that sets us free
Means death to death
And life for me

Don’t know one of the songs we’re singing this week? Check them out here:

Your Grace Is Enough

The Passion

I Stand Amazed in the Presence