Worship Notes

Did you know that there’s a current, popular trend known as a Happiness Jar?  No?  Me either.  But it’s a thing.  Daily, the goal is to write down one good moment from the day and put it into a jar for safekeeping.  The routine encourages your brain to become more attuned to the good things that happen each day instead of the bad ones.  It’s simply our natural, we would even say, fleshly, inclination to see and remember what is bad instead of what is good.  In these articles that I stumbled across while researching the topic of joy, there were numerous claims about the benefits of a Happiness Jar including an improvement in our mental health, physical health, and even interpersonal relationships.

As a Christian, I’m not surprised to see the secular world confirm what we already know from the sacred world.  There are few commands in scripture repeated more often than rejoice – there are around 430 instances of the command in scripture.  Scripture tells us that rejoicing helps us to remember the good words of the Lord, to tell others of the miracles God has done, to rest in the Lord’s provision in times of trouble, and more…the benefits are too numerous to name.

Dare I confess that, I too, am prone to focus on the negative, particularly when I recount my day?  It’s human nature.  Does this mean you’ll find me at Hobby Lobby later today purchasing my Happiness Jar?  Probably not.  But, studying joy and happiness has been my reminder that I need to practice the discipline of rejoicing – it doesn’t come naturally.  As our new song says:

“Rejoice in the Lord now and always, tell of the good he has done.
Worship the Lord to remember all of the joy yet to come.

The hope that burns within us, the dark cannot destroy.
With praise that's never ending, we say again rejoice.

With each breath he's given, praise the Lord!
In these times we live in, we will praise the Lord.
Throughout every season, I am sure.
We have every reason to praise the Lord!”

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!
--Philippians 4:4



Don’t know one of the songs we’re singing?  Check them out here:


It Was Finished upon That Cross

Because He Lives (modern)