Worship Notes

To see the people of Israel walking through the Red Sea, safe on solid ground, was to witness a miracle. Then, imagine their surprise when they turned back to witness the wall of water collapse around the armies of Pharoah.  God performed at least two miracles that day.  In saving His people, He gave them a way of escape and He defeated their enemy.

Quoting Moses’ song in Exodus 15, “The Lord Is My Salvation” uses this imagery to express the miracles of God in spiritual salvation.  In Moses’ song, He declares that the Lord is His salvation and that he will forever praise the Lord. His reason is because God allowed the people to walk safely on solid ground through the midst of the sea.  “The Lord Is My Salvation” expresses that, God in His grace, His pulled us from the raging sea of sin and placed us safely on the solid ground of His forgiveness, His salvation.

“The grace of God has reached for me, and pulled me from the raging sea.
And I am safe on the solid ground. The Lord is my salvation.”

There is no one like our God.  He is faithful and has saved us from our sin:

“Oh, who is like the Lord our God? Strong to save faithful in love.
My debt is paid, and the victory won. The Lord is my salvation.”

One more thought from the song is my love for the trinitarian declaration that forms the bridge:

“Glory be to God, the Father. Glory be to God, the Son.
Glory be to God, the Spirit.  The Lord is our Salvation”

Our God, one God in three persons, deserves all the glory for our salvation -- God the Father for His perfect plan, God the Son for His work at the cross, and God the Spirit for His drawing people unto Himself and His continual work in the life of the believer.  

How grateful I am to sing all those words.  There is no one like our God who has rescued me from sin and placed me safe on the solid ground of His love.  He, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, deserve all the glory and praise for their work in my life and in yours.



Don’t know one of the songs we’re singing?  Check them out here:

At Calvary (Modern)

All Sufficient Merit

The Lord Is My Salvation