Worship Notes

Did you know there are songs throughout the scriptures?  Many people know that the Psalms were intended to be sung, but there many more songs scattered throughout the entire Bible.  Most translations will show you that there is a poetic, metrical section of scripture by changing the text from being written in paragraphs to being written in individual lines, much like a book of poetry.  That indicates that this text is metrical and is likely intended to be sung.

 One such song occurs in Exodus 15.  The people of God have just been rescued from the Egyptians.  The Israelites passed safely through the Red Sea while the armies of Pharoah were destroyed by those same waters.  The last verse of Exodus 14 says that, “Israel saw the great power that the Lord used against the Egyptians, so the people feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in his servant Moses.”  Their response begins in chapter 15 -- they sing of the awesome, mighty power of God.

     “Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods?
             Who is like you, majestic in holiness,
             awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?”
     --Exodus 15:11

Sunday’s choir anthem, “Such an Awesome God,” attempts to capture this same sense of power, might, beauty, and awe:

“You call the sun to rise, and You lay it down to rest.
You hold this heart of mine, and You hold my every breath.

Such an awesome God! So mighty, So holy, So wonderful.
Such an awesome God! So selfless, So generous, So faithful, You are!”

And it’s so much more than simply the beauty of creation – it is the beauty of God’s design in salvation:

“And nothing comes close to the Lord Almighty. Nothing as sweet as His love and mercy
Nothing comes close to the Lord Almighty. And nothing as sweet as Your love and mercy”

There is no one like our God.  His beauty can be found in creation and salvation.  He is mighty, holy, wonderful, selfless, generous, and faithful.  Nothing in life is as amazing as His grace, love and mercy.  He is awesome!



Don’t know one of the songs we’re singing this Sunday?  Check them out here: 

The Lion and the Lamb

God So Loved

Christ Be Magnified